
Where have you been M. ?


What happened? It's been ages since I last wrote here!
Well, things have been a little hectic since I came to Lille which is why I have been absent.
So here is a little explanation...

First, I had to take time to settle in my new place, organize myself and find a new rythm.
Then, as school started, I had to take the time to explore the new environment where I was going to evolve, find my landmarks, and discover all the new courses that I was going to take.

Making friends was not hard at all. Of course, the first days are always a little awkward and you're not sure how you should approach people (you usually end up braking the ice by doing the "police interview": what's your name, where are you from, where did you study last year... Well, except you sound much friendlier than a police officer while doing this) but I eventually found my clique whithin just a couple of days.

The most important reason why I am so late on my blogging plans is that I have recently decided to take important responsibilities in my school. Responsibilities that will teach me things that no regular course could ever teach me. And this is taking away all of my time. In fact, it's taking away so much of my time that I even have a hard time working on my lessons and finishing my assignements before the deadline. Not to mention that I surprised myself forgetting to have lunch a couple of times this week! So it's needless to say that I had to postpone my next blog article...


With that said, I promise you to be back as soon as I can. I have some surprises for you, some pictures waiting to be published and a new blog design to launch, remember? ;)


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  1. I hope the new city is treating you well! Can't wait to see more stories of your new chapter of life.

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    Cassandra | Backtofive

  2. Nice pics!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good week!!!
    Angela Donava

  3. Really love that last picture :)



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