
[Nail DIY] Mondrian on my nails


I guess you guys all know Mondrian, don't you? And the Yves Saint Laurent (or should I start saying Saint Laurent?) dresses with the famous Mondrian paintings on them.

Well today I thought I'd try to make a Mondrian nail design. And I quite like how it turned out. 
It's super easy so if you want to do it, here is what you will need:

*Black, yellow, red and blue nailpolish
*A clear topcoat
*A bobby pin (or nail art brushes if you have them)
*Cotton buds and nailpolish remover to rectify any mistake
Start by painting your nails white.
Then, using your bobby pin, dip it into black polish and randomly draw vertical and horizontal lines on your nail.

It's okay if you have polish on your skin, you can remove that later.
Using your bobby pin again, dip into the different colors and fill in random squares. On this nail I used red yellow and blue but you can also fill some squares with black polish just like Mondrian did on his paintings.

Finish off with a clear top coat and Voilà! You now have Mondrian paintings on your nails!

Hope you liked it!


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