
Dear readers, I need your advice!!


a photo of a fashion show and a photo of rome

Dear readers, I really need your advice. 
I have an important decision to make right now and I want you to tell me what you would have done if you were in my shoes...

So here is the dilemma: on mid-september I have two amazing oportunities coming up but they happen to be at the EXACT same days! So I obviously have to choose one over the other...

The first one is a fashion event which I would be so pleased to go to  and the second one is a trip to Rome with my future classmates.
There is no need to tell you why I want so bad to go to the first, as for the second, it would be my chance to go to Italy for the first time and I KNOW that it is going to be a lot of fun since that is the actual point of the trip: getting to know each other in the most craziest ways ever. 
I guess I will have plenty of other occasions in my life to go to Rome but this particular trip only happens once in a student's lifetime and can be pretty significant for me to fit in in my new school.

So please tell me!! What would you have done? I really want so badly to attend both events but I HAVE to make a choice...


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  1. while reading your post, i have seen that you were talking more on the trip to Rome !!!
    aSK YOU THAT question what would be the event that can be done another time?
    i hope that you will find the answer

    1. Thanks a lot!! This is a very good question to ask myself and I hope I will find a good answer!


  2. ahhh totally hate dilemmas like that! personally we would definitely go on this class trip to rome! I mean fashion events are really cool and stuff but i mean your "real life" (not the blogging internet life) makes you to the person you are and i guess if you're unhappy there, it's no good. I went to Rome in spring with my konfirmation class and i didn't know anyone! it was the best decision i could have possibly made! i met two lovely girls which now count to my best friends:)
    hope this helped you and let us know what you did!
    lots and lots of love from switzerland honey,
    Nina and Rachel from

    1. Thank you Nina and Rachel! This is such a wise piece of advice!
      It's true that sometimes I forget that the blog is not all my life and I shouldn't choose it over some things...
      I will sure let you know what will be my decision!


  3. Go to Rome! As a blogger, you'll have a lot of opportunities to go to fashion events! Enjoy your student life! It happens only once in a lifetime as you said!

    1. Thanks Olga!
      You're very right! I'm still so undecided but all of you girls are slowly convincing me :)


  4. I am going to go with Rome because you said it's with your future class mates. This will be a great bonding time (as cheesy as that may sound) and I think it could be the talk of the first couple of months and you don't want to be out of it.


    1. That's true! It is meant to help people meet and I probably shouldn't miss out on that!
      Thanks for the advice!


  5. great blog
    great photos
    Do you want follow each other?



  6. Thank you! You are right! I will probably get another occasion to attend a fashion event but not to make such a trip...


  7. Dear everyone,

    Thank you so much for your precious advice! You've already helped me make 80% of the decision!
    I'm still debating whether I should go to Rome or not because, you know, fashion events are pretty exciting and this one would be my first so it's hard to decide...

    Anyways, thank you again for taking the time to share with me your thoughts and most of all to read the blog!!

    I will let you know which one I'll end up going to.


  8. It's a hard decision indeed, and if it was me i wouldn't know what to do either, but I noticed you were rather enthusiast about the trip to Rome, so I would take the trip to Rome. Spending some good quality time with your friends will truly be amazing :D

    I hope you can make a decision ^-^

    Loves ,
    The Mad Twins


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