
The sixties dress


theserialshopper wearind a sixties inspired turquoise dress, with black flats, a croco bag and hm sunnies

Hi guys!
Here is another outfit from back when I was in Lille, France. I had a busy day so I opted for something simple and confortable: flats and a turquoise sixties-like dress. Once again, I added some food pictures to this post since you guys seem to like them!

On another note, I made a HUGE mistake two days ago which I think some of you have noticed (those of you who stay up very late at night. Or... who live on another timezone). If you guys remember what I told you in this post then you know that I'm currently working on a new design for the blog. Well, that night while I was working on that said design, I made a huge blunder and the blog turned into a total mess and was even inactive for a moment! I eventually managed to get everything back to normal whithin just a couple of hours and I hope I haven't forgotten anything.
Do you guys notice anything different or does it look alright to you?


theserialshopper wearind a sixties inspired turquoise dress, with black flats, a croco bag and hm sunnies

portrait picture of theserialshopper wearind a sixties inspired turquoise dress

detail picture of theserialshopper wearing a sixties inspired turquoise dress in lille france

Dress, Zara (old)
Flats, Rudy's
Croco bag, bought in Morocco
Sunnies, H&M

full shot of theserialshopper wearind a sixties inspired turquoise dress, with black flats, a croco bag and hm sunnies

a picture of the Place du Theatre in Lille France
A view of the Place du Théâtre in the Vieux Lille. Love the architecture around there.
food picture
At the restaurant: we were served this little mousse before our orders (if I remember well it contained beet).
a picture of the inside and the decoration of a restaurant in Lille France

a picture of what Theserialshopper ate that night: a salad with shrimps, salmon and foie gras
And here is my salad. Salmon, shrimps and foie gras: all I need!
a picture of the decoration and the lighting in a restaurant in lille france
Loved the decoration at the restaurant (too bad I can't remember the name of the place). It was a mix of classic designs (for the chairs for example) and modern manufacture-inspired details (like the chandelier in the above picture).
picture of a Café gourmand in a restaurant in lille france. it contains strawberry mousse, cranberry tart, mousse au chocolat, madeleine and a coffee
And finally, a café gourmand to dicover the specialities of the house.

Photography by my Mom and me.

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  1. Those pics are nice, I have just discovered your blog and it's just stunning ¿Do you want to follow each other?
    Im starting to post assiduosly and I would love to know your opinion, this is mine:


    Best regards,

  2. you look very chic :) we follow your blog and invite you to visit us :D

    kate&bee on bloglovin’
    kate&bee on fb

  3. I adore your dress, the color really suites you too :D
    And I would be panicking if I messed up the layout (which I did ones)
    But yours looks amazing! Very clean and stunning ^-^
    And jummy food pictures! I'm getting hungry *q*

    Loves ,
    The Mad Twins

    1. Thanks a lot girls!!
      I totally panicked when it happened actually :D
      I didn't even have a backup :s


  4. the food looks good!
    Love Lois xxx


  5. Love the color!
    Yum to the food!

  6. Nice photos! Lovely blue dress!!!
    Angela Donava

  7. gorgeous photos!!!!


  8. hi! just found your blog and let me tell you that your style us great!! already followed you and it would mean the world to me of you follow me to


    hope to see you in my blog and keep going love


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